Salt and mold elimination

Alas, even though Cyprus has a lot of advantages, it is a place where salt and mold are common problems. Apart from excessive natural moisture, this is related to a wide range of disadvantages, such as:
• absence of heat- and waterproofing of buildings;
• unequal heating;
• bad ventilation, etc.
Due to such changes plaster, wallpaper and paint may fall of the walls both on the inside and on the outside. And even after individual cleaning and home renovation nothing is going to change – the problem is going to return very soon.

Injection and plaster

Salt and mold elimination

from 100 EUR/LM


Reasons of appearing

The actions regarding elimination of the aforementioned problem should be entrusted to experienced professionals. They will not only free your house from the health-threatening manifestations, but eliminate their reasons as well.

Salt efflorescence on the walls is mainly related to the close location of water and its movement in the walls and under the house, as well as with the regular high humidity. Due to capillary moisture the mineral salts start going out of concrete, plaster and other materials to the wall surface and show themselves not only as powder, but as crystals, fluff or spirals as well.

The salt is always white or light and the mold is more often black, green, grey, grayish blue, brown, olive-colored, yellowish dun or brick-red.

Principle of operation

In order to achieve the results of the highest quality possible we apply special Swiss materials: a waterproof solution which is injected in a row of holes drilled in the layer of the cement mortar of the brickwork. After the injection the material is spread in the moist wall, forming a waterproof barrier (waterproof membrane), and prevents the spreading of moist during capillary suction.

After restoring the damaged places, the final stage of our work is treatment of the construction material with a special surface plaster which does not allow the problems to return and 100% protects the surface.


Wall thickness

110-440 mm

Hole depth

100-420 mm

Distance between the holes

120 mm

When should elimination be conducted?

Fighting the smell of moist, salt and mould should be conducted by the house owners not only at the last stages. Preventing such unhealthy manifestations using preventive measures without putting the family in danger is much easier.

By using the extreme measures of fighting salt and fungi, deep insinuation into construction materials, drying and treating with antiseptic substances, we guarantee that your house will be healthy and squeaky clean.

Saving health

Removing sources of highly dangerous (especially for children and asthmatics) cancerogens and fungi.

Air cleaning

The air will no longer smell like moist, and excessive unhealthy moist will be gone.


The dark, grey or white spots on the walls, ceiling, floor and furniture and inside the halls will be gone forever after the treatment.

Saving and guarantee

The proposed protection will lead to saving money on repair works and during operation. The high-quality work of eliminating salt and mold will ensure guarantee for many years.